The Kick Starter Coaching Package
If you’re ready to do a project from start to finish, the Kick Starter packing could be just the ticket. We’ll work with you to decide on a project that’s achievable within the selected time frame, develop a project plan, and coach you through the process. If you'd like to focus on your manuscript, editorial notes will also be provided for up to 25 manuscript pages (6,250 words) of your book or project materials. At the end, you will have made significant progress on your work in progress (WIP) or project and will have an actionable plan for moving forward.
3- or 6-Month Plans
$1,999 or $3,999
Authors who've completed a consultation get a discount - see below
Yes! I want the Kick Starter!What's Included
Preliminary Review:
Before the initial consultation, we will review up to 6,250 words (25 manuscript pages) of your work and will provide editorial notes. The submission can include any of the following for a total of 6,250 words:
- Chapters from your work in progress (WIP)
- An outline of your book
- A long or short synopsis of your work
- A book proposal
- A combination of materials, such as a 2-page synopsis, a query letter, plus pages from your WIP
- Initial notes for marketing plans
- Other relevant materials for your project
Initial Consultation:
- One initial 90-minute meeting (via phone or Zoom or in person in Austin, pending COVID restrictions) to tailor your Kick Starter to your book and/or your writing/publishing goals and review the editorial notes.
- The goal of the meeting will be to agree upon up to 3 objectives that will help you make progress during the term of your coaching package.
Project Plan:
- After the initial meeting, we will prepare a project plan for the duration of the mentoring package.
- For the 6-month package only: After the Month 3 meeting, we will prepare a revised project plan for the remaining 3 months of the coaching package.
Monthly Amenities:
- One mid-month 30-minute check-in call
- Three email check-ins on non-meeting/call weeks
- A 30-minute meeting (via phone or Zoom) in each of the following months to review your progress toward your goals; review your project plan, recalibrate your goals and action plan for the next month, and discuss any specific issues or concerns.
Wrapup Consultation:
The final month’s 45-minute consultation will address questions and focus on your next steps and plan following the end of your mentoring package.
Recordings of All Zoom Calls
Who’ll Benefit
Newbie Authors
- who want to figure out how to get started writing
- who are writing or revising their first or second book
- who have hit a roadblock in writing or revising their book
- who want to create a plan for finishing their book
- who are exploring publishing options for their books
- who want to know how to find an agent or a publisher for their books
- who are starting to build their e-mail list
- who are building their website
- who are setting up their author business
Published Authors
- who are writing in a new genre or switching from fiction to nonfiction or vice versa
- who are updating their website
- who want to expand their e-mail list
- who are exploring publishing options for their books
- who want to know how to find an agent or a publisher for their books
- who are planning to republish backlist titles
- who want to update and market previously published works that didn’t sell
- who want to build a launch and/or marketing plan for their next book (regardless of whether it’s traditionally or independently published)
The Fine Print
Yep! I'm ready for the Kick Starter!Not sure the Kick Starter is right for you?
Contact us for a FREE 20-minute consultation!
Please note: You'll also receive occasional updates from Booktique Consulting. Because you are important to us, we will never share your contact information with anyone else.